Your Own NewLIST Channel
Start Earning Recurring Ad Revenue
With your own branded NewLIST ad channel, brands and businesses of all sizes can now post their ads on your channel with you earning daily cash from a great new revenue source!
NewLIST is a game-changing new ad media, allowing influencers, content creators, social media groups, even traditional print and radio media, to list and promote businesses of all kinds.
The New Way to promote more earn cash from market new build successful get found by new brands!
With your own branded ad channel on NewLIST, you can now promote dozens of brands sponsoring your content and reap the rewards of daily recurring revenue.
A New Revenue Stream
If you're like most influencers and content creators today, you're always on the lookout for new ways to generate revenue from your audience.
NewLIST is a new media platform about to take the whole influencer world by storm.
With NewLIST, global to national brands and even local businesses can post their ads to your NewLIST channel. You now earn a generous share of the ad dollars from ads targeted to your channel.
Depending on the size of your audience, with just a handful of advertisers spending between $10 to $50 per week on your NewLIST channel ads, you could be earning thousands of dollars each month in new revenue!*

How It Works
NewLIST works the same way you're used to working in promoting your biggest brand sponsors, only now you can direct your audiences to your own branded channel with all of your brand sponsors visible, searchable, clickable.
Brands pay a weekly ad fee to be shown on NewLIST and featured on your channel. There is no confusing pay-per-click. No need to ramp up millions of views before you get paid.
You choose the minimum weekly fee brands pay to advertise on your channel to reach your size and type of audience.
You control who can advertise on your channel. Approve the brands you like and reject those that may not be a good fit for your audience.
You and NewLIST evenly split the ad revenues, cash that shows up automatically in your account each week. There's no need to request a payout, wait for checks, or wait until the end of the month. With NewLIST the ad cash shows up in your account almost daily.
Why NewLIST Is Better
A New Revenue Stream
NewLIST is a whole new revenue-generating media that practically runs itself. All you do is promote your NewLIST channel to your audiences. Businesses will find you; and you choose who gets approved based on your audience fit.
A Better Way To Advertise
NewLIST isn't like other online media. NewLIST delivers beautiful full-color ads for your brands. NewLIST ads give brand advertisers a way to stand out and differentiate themselves from each other.
New Brands Can Find You
NewLIST not only helps you earn money from brands advertising on your channel, but brands can use NewLIST to find you and your audience quickly and easily.
No Contracts To Hash Out
Brands and small businesses advertise on your channel under the NewLIST Terms of Service. There is nothing to sign or negotiate saving you valuable time and without all of the typical headaches.
Audience Friendly
By calling out the brands advertising on your NewLIST channel, you build rapport with your advertisers and it gives your audience a great platform to come back to over and over for new deals.
Easier To Advertise
Setting up new ads on NewLIST is super easy to manage and very flexible for brands. Brands can play and pause different ads during the week, or adjust their ad spends depending on where they want to appear on your channel.
Cost Effective
With NewLIST, brand advertisers choose their own amount they want to pay to appear on your channel. You set the minimum and then let brands compete for top position on your channel.
Get Paid Automagically
No need to send invoices and then wait around for weeks or months to get paid. Ads are run on a weekly subscription that pays out at the end of the weekly period automagically.
Who Uses NewLIST?
From new media to traditional media, NewLIST enhances and earns you cash while making your brand sponsors searchable, findable, online.
InfluencersCalling out advertisers on your channel drives traffic and earns you new revenues from new brands.
PodcastersDon't have a major sponsor for your podcast? Call out one or more of your channel brands.
Social Media Groups
Local business groups and affinity groups can now monetize their group with their own channel sponsors.
Mailing ListsStart earning new revenues when you call out on your channel's sponsors from your mailing list.
Print Ad Circulars
Add a new revenue stream to your printed circulars and make your advertisers searchable.
Radio Stations
Earn new revenues while helping your listening audience find the advertiser they heard on the air.
NewLIST adds another revenue stream to your local newspaper and makes your advertisers searchable.
Places of Worship
Create a branded channel for businesses and member business owners to support your congregation.

No Cost. Easy Sign Up.
Get Started Today!
No credit card needed. Sign up. Collect new brands and local businesses looking to advertise to your audience. Make money. It doesn't get any easier than NewLIST!
* Numbers provided are for example purposes only and not intended to be a guarantee of revenues. An influencer's persona, size, and type of audience can vary audience engagement and advertiser participation significantly.